Flight Simulator Portugal voo FSPCHARTER
Piloto: | FSP1651 - filipepereira |
Companhia: | Flight Simulator Portugal (FSP) |
Voo: |
Aeronave: | B350 (AS-XGSK) |
Origem: | Braga - BGZ/LPBR ![]() |
Destino: | Braganca - BGC/LPBG ![]() |
Rota: | |
Altitude: | 12000ft |
Duração: | 0.33 |
Distância: | 80nm |
Data/Hora: | 13/04/2021 11:51 |
Servidor: | Offline |
Classificação: | Eficiência: 75% | Pontos: 2 |
Status: | APROVADO |
Log do voo
[Flight Simulator Log]
[11:17/10:17z] - Beechcraft King Air 350i Asobo
[11:17/10:17z] -
[11:17/10:17z] - Flight FSPCHARTER is ready to depart LPBR with a final destination of LPBG.
[11:17/10:17z] - Precipitation at LPBR: None
[11:17/10:17z] - Wind Heading 0° | Wind Speed 0kts | Wind Turbulence None | Wind Gusts 0kts
[11:17/10:17z] - OAT 20°C | TAT 20°C | Dew Point 0°C | Visibility 0km | Pressure 0hPa
[11:17/10:17z] - Pilot in Command FSP1651 | MSFS | FSUIPC 7.008
[11:17/10:17z] - Boarding at Gate Park 7
[11:17/10:17z] - Gross Weight: 5797kg, Fuel: 818kg, Payload: 463kg
[11:17/10:17z] - Parking Brake Applied
[11:18/10:17z] - Parking Brake Released
[11:18/10:17z] - Pushing Back from the gate
[11:18/10:18z] - Taxiing to Runway
[11:18/10:18z] - Engine 2 started
[11:18/10:18z] - Flaps to position 1 at 0ft, hdg 269° and 2kts
[11:19/10:18z] - Engine 1 started
[11:19/10:19z] - Taxi Lights ON 0ft, hdg 269° and 2kts
[11:19/10:19z] - Landing Lights ON 0ft, hdg 269° and 2kts
[11:21/10:21z] - Event Taxi Speed 47kts
[11:21/10:21z] - Initial Climb at 0ft, hdg 256°, 81kts, flaps 1, 808kg of fuel, pitch -4°, bank 0°
[11:21/10:21z] - Wind Heading 0° | Wind Speed 0kts | Wind Turbulence None | Wind Gusts 0kts
[11:21/10:21z] - OAT 20°C | TAT 20°C | Dew Point 0°C | Visibility 0km
[11:21/10:21z] - Climbing to TOC at 0ft, hdg 256°, 81kts
[11:21/10:21z] - Climbing at 248ft, hdg 253° and 84kts
[11:21/10:21z] - Gear up at 386ft, hdg 252° and 96kts
[11:22/10:22z] - Taxi Lights OFF 796ft, hdg 283° and 102kts
[11:22/10:22z] - Landing Lights OFF 796ft, hdg 283° and 102kts
[11:22/10:22z] - Flaps to position 0 at 1101ft, hdg 308° and 104kts
[11:23/10:22z] - AutoPilot Engaged at 2205ft, hdg 64° and 148kts
[11:28/10:27z] - TOC reached at 11524ft, hdg 84° and 186kts
[11:28/10:27z] - Cruise started at 11524ft, hdg 84° and 186kts
[11:28/10:27z] - Wind Heading 0° | Wind Speed 0kts | Wind Turbulence None | Wind Gusts 0kts
[11:28/10:27z] - OAT -3°C | TAT 4°C | Dew Point 0°C | Visibility 0km
[11:37/10:36z] - TOD reached at 11497ft, hdg 95° and 194kts
[11:37/10:36z] - Descending to destination at 11497ft, hdg 95° and 194kts
[11:37/10:37z] - AutoPilot Disengaged at 11388ft, hdg 96° and 189kts
[11:37/10:37z] - Climbing at 11299ft, hdg 84° and 184kts
[11:37/10:37z] - Descending at 11310ft, hdg 82° and 180kts
[11:38/10:38z] - Level Flight at 10483ft, hdg 82° and 182kts
[11:38/10:38z] - Descending at 10458ft, hdg 86° and 176kts
[11:39/10:38z] - Flaps to position 1 at 10127ft, hdg 88° and 187kts
[11:39/10:38z] - Climbing at 10134ft, hdg 98° and 183kts
[11:39/10:39z] - Descending at 11086ft, hdg 73° and 129kts
[11:39/10:39z] - Level Flight at 11029ft, hdg 84° and 135kts
[11:39/10:39z] - Climbing at 11104ft, hdg 86° and 131kts
[11:39/10:39z] - Level Flight at 11378ft, hdg 61° and 122kts
[11:39/10:39z] - Descending at 11314ft, hdg 66° and 129kts
[11:40/10:40z] - AutoPilot Engaged at 9884ft, hdg 61° and 186kts
[11:40/10:40z] - AutoPilot Disengaged at 9869ft, hdg 61° and 185kts
[11:40/10:40z] - Climbing at 9884ft, hdg 68° and 182kts
[11:40/10:40z] - AutoPilot Engaged at 9884ft, hdg 68° and 182kts
[11:40/10:40z] - AutoPilot Disengaged at 10066ft, hdg 72° and 164kts
[11:40/10:40z] - Descending at 10371ft, hdg 82° and 144kts
[11:40/10:40z] - Level Flight at 10019ft, hdg 112° and 155kts
[11:41/10:41z] - Descending at 9962ft, hdg 109° and 146kts
[11:42/10:42z] - Gear down at 8340ft, hdg 71° and 152kts
[11:43/10:43z] - Flaps to position 2 at 7094ft, hdg 59° and 156kts
[11:43/10:43z] - Climbing at 7061ft, hdg 71° and 142kts
[11:43/10:43z] - Level Flight at 7603ft, hdg 40° and 67kts
[11:43/10:43z] - Descending at 7521ft, hdg 14° and 76kts
[11:44/10:44z] - Approach at 5297ft, hdg 31°, 112kts, flaps 2 and 690kg of fuel on board
[11:44/10:44z] - Wind Heading 0° | Wind Speed 0kts | Wind Turbulence None | Wind Gusts 0kts
[11:44/10:44z] - OAT 10°C | TAT 12°C | Dew Point 0°C | Visibility 0km
[11:46/10:46z] - Event Bank Angle -46°
[11:47/10:47z] - Landing Lights ON 2730ft, hdg 28° and 101kts
[11:48/10:48z] - Landed on Runway 02, at -72fpm, hdg 17°, 83kts, flaps 2, 678kg of fuel, pitch -1°, bank -1°
[11:48/10:48z] - Wind Heading 0° | Wind Speed 0kts | Wind Turbulence None | Wind Gusts 0kts
[11:48/10:48z] - OAT 16°C | TAT 17°C | Dew Point 0°C | Visibility 0km
[11:48/10:48z] - Landing Weight: 5657kg, Fuel: 678kg, Payload: 463kg
[11:48/10:48z] - AutoSave
[11:48/10:48z] - Event Reverse Thrust 51kts
[11:48/10:48z] - Taxiing to Gate
[11:49/10:49z] - Taxi Lights ON 0ft, hdg 179° and 14kts
[11:49/10:49z] - Parking Brake Applied
[11:50/10:49z] - Taxi Lights OFF 0ft, hdg 197° and 2kts
[11:50/10:49z] - Landing Lights OFF 0ft, hdg 197° and 2kts
[11:50/10:50z] - Flaps to position 1 at 0ft, hdg 197° and 2kts
[11:50/10:50z] - Flaps to position 0 at 0ft, hdg 197° and 2kts
[11:50/10:50z] - Engine 2 stopped
[11:50/10:50z] - Engine 1 stopped
[11:51/10:51z] - Arrived safely at LPBG. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[11:51/10:51z] - Disembark
[11:51/10:51z] - Precipitation at LPBG: None
[11:51/10:51z] - Wind Heading 0° | Wind Speed 0kts | Wind Turbulence None | Wind Gusts 0kts
[11:51/10:51z] - OAT 16°C | TAT 16°C | Dew Point 0°C | Visibility 0km | Pressure 0hPa
[11:51/10:51z] - Final Weight: 5648kg, Final Fuel: 669kg, Fuel Used: 149kg, Payload: 463kg
[11:51/10:51z] - Beechcraft King Air 350i Asobo
[11:51/10:51z] - FSPAcars
Avaliação do voo
Taxi Speed Limit Exceed: -5%
Bank Angle Limit Exceed: -20%
Classificação: 75%