Flight Simulator Portugal voo FSPCHARTER
Piloto: | FSP1087 - viegas |
Companhia: | Flight Simulator Portugal (FSP) |
Voo: |
Aeronave: | B763 |
Origem: | Kamchatsky - PKC/UHPP ![]() ![]() |
Destino: | Anadyr - DYR/UHMA ![]() |
Rota: | |
Altitude: | 39000ft |
Duração: | 2.33 |
Distância: | 909nm |
Data/Hora: | 19/05/2016 01:11 |
Servidor: | Offline |
Classificação: | Eficiência: 60% | Pontos: 0 |
Status: | APROVADO |
Log do voo
[Flight Simulator Log]
[22:35/21:36z] - Level D Simulations B767-300ER - Cubana Virtual CU-T1256
[22:35/21:36z] - B767-300
[22:35/21:36z] - Flight FSPCHARTER is ready to depart UHPP with a final destination of UHMA.
[22:35/21:36z] - Precipitation at UHPP: Rain
[22:35/21:36z] - Pilot in Command FSP1087 | FS9 | FSUIPC 3.999
[22:35/21:36z] - Boarding
[22:35/21:36z] - Gross Weight: 138380kg, Fuel: 22022kg, Payload: 27000kg
[22:35/21:36z] - Parking Brake Applied
[22:35/21:36z] - Taxi Lights ON 145ft, hdg 343 and 2kts
[22:36/21:36z] - Parking Brake Released
[22:36/21:36z] - Pushing Back from the gate
[22:36/21:37z] - Landing Lights ON 145ft, hdg 343 and 0kts
[22:36/21:37z] - Parking Brake Applied
[22:37/21:37z] - Taxiing to Runway
[22:37/21:37z] - Engine 2 started
[22:38/21:38z] - Engine 1 started
[22:38/21:39z] - Flaps to position 2 at 145ft, hdg 345 and 4kts
[22:39/21:39z] - Parking Brake Released
[22:39/21:39z] - Taking Off with 193 passengers on board
[22:39/21:39z] - Takeoff roll started at 39kts and flaps 2
[22:39/21:39z] - Take Off Weight: 138213kg, Fuel: 21857kg, Payload: 27000kg
[22:39/21:40z] - Initial Climb at 149ft, hdg 342, 148kts, flaps 2, 21682kg of fuel, pitch -9deg, bank -1deg.
[22:39/21:40z] - Wind Heading 295 | Wind Speed 3kts | Wind Turbulence None
[22:39/21:40z] - Climbing to TOC at 149ft, hdg 342, 148kts
[22:39/21:40z] - Gear up at 153ft, hdg 344 and 151kts
[22:40/21:40z] - Climbing at 337ft, hdg 344 and 156kts
[22:41/21:42z] - Flaps to position 1 at 3336ft, hdg 337 and 196kts
[22:41/21:42z] - Flaps to position 0 at 4574ft, hdg 308 and 217kts
[22:44/21:44z] - Landing Lights OFF 10072ft, hdg 53 and 232kts
[23:04/22:04z] - Level Flight at 38026ft, hdg 38 and 161kts
[23:04/22:04z] - Descending at 38014ft, hdg 44 and 162kts
[23:05/22:05z] - Climbing at 37235ft, hdg 47 and 186kts
[23:05/22:05z] - Stall! 37350ft, hdg 62 and 179kts
[23:05/22:05z] - Event Pitch Angle -22deg
[23:05/22:05z] - Stall Recovered! 37416ft, hdg 28 and 176kts
[23:05/22:05z] - Descending at 37599ft, hdg 45 and 180kts
[23:06/22:06z] - Climbing at 34225ft, hdg 60 and 238kts
[23:06/22:06z] - Level Flight at 34530ft, hdg 37 and 230kts
[23:06/22:06z] - Descending at 34530ft, hdg 35 and 230kts
[23:06/22:06z] - Level Flight at 34526ft, hdg 36 and 234kts
[23:06/22:06z] - Descending at 34525ft, hdg 37 and 233kts
[23:06/22:06z] - Climbing at 34524ft, hdg 35 and 235kts
[23:06/22:06z] - Level Flight at 34525ft, hdg 37 and 233kts
[23:07/22:06z] - Climbing at 34528ft, hdg 42 and 237kts
[23:07/22:06z] - Level Flight at 34528ft, hdg 40 and 235kts
[23:07/22:06z] - Descending at 34528ft, hdg 40 and 238kts
[23:07/22:06z] - Level Flight at 34528ft, hdg 37 and 238kts
[23:07/22:06z] - Descending at 34526ft, hdg 40 and 239kts
[23:07/22:06z] - Level Flight at 34515ft, hdg 40 and 240kts
[23:07/22:06z] - Descending at 34513ft, hdg 41 and 240kts
[23:07/22:07z] - Level Flight at 34492ft, hdg 45 and 244kts
[23:07/22:07z] - Climbing at 34494ft, hdg 45 and 245kts
[23:07/22:07z] - Level Flight at 34500ft, hdg 46 and 246kts
[23:07/22:07z] - Climbing at 34502ft, hdg 44 and 246kts
[23:07/22:07z] - Level Flight at 34505ft, hdg 44 and 247kts
[23:07/22:07z] - Climbing at 34507ft, hdg 42 and 246kts
[23:07/22:07z] - Level Flight at 34615ft, hdg 49 and 253kts
[23:07/22:07z] - Descending at 34614ft, hdg 45 and 254kts
[23:07/22:07z] - Level Flight at 34604ft, hdg 44 and 256kts
[23:07/22:07z] - Descending at 34600ft, hdg 49 and 257kts
[23:08/22:07z] - Climbing at 34578ft, hdg 47 and 259kts
[23:09/22:08z] - Level Flight at 35180ft, hdg 48 and 268kts
[23:09/22:08z] - Descending at 35179ft, hdg 48 and 268kts
[23:09/22:08z] - Climbing at 35179ft, hdg 47 and 266kts
[23:09/22:09z] - Level Flight at 35248ft, hdg 53 and 271kts
[23:09/22:09z] - Climbing at 35248ft, hdg 47 and 268kts
[23:09/22:09z] - Level Flight at 35286ft, hdg 47 and 271kts
[23:09/22:09z] - Climbing at 35287ft, hdg 44 and 269kts
[23:09/22:09z] - Level Flight at 35288ft, hdg 44 and 271kts
[23:09/22:09z] - Climbing at 35291ft, hdg 43 and 271kts
[23:09/22:09z] - Level Flight at 35298ft, hdg 48 and 272kts
[23:09/22:09z] - Climbing at 35297ft, hdg 45 and 270kts
[23:16/22:15z] - TOC reached at 38510ft, hdg 48 and 247kts
[23:16/22:15z] - Cruise started at 38510ft, hdg 48 and 247kts
[23:16/22:15z] - Wind Heading 103 | Wind Speed 29kts | Wind Turbulence None
[00:28/23:28z] - TOD reached at 38498ft, hdg 51 and 253kts
[00:28/23:28z] - Descending to destination at 38498ft, hdg 51 and 253kts
[00:46/23:46z] - Landing Lights ON 12893ft, hdg 40 and 265kts
[00:54/23:54z] - Flaps to position 1 at 6307ft, hdg 20 and 215kts
[00:54/23:54z] - Flaps to position 2 at 5624ft, hdg 66 and 212kts
[00:55/23:55z] - Approach at 5291ft, hdg 66, 208kts, flaps 2 and 10097kg of fuel on board
[00:55/23:55z] - Wind Heading 359 | Wind Speed 13kts | Wind Turbulence None
[00:56/23:56z] - Flaps to position 3 at 3885ft, hdg 67 and 200kts
[00:56/23:56z] - Flaps to position 4 at 3865ft, hdg 67 and 200kts
[00:57/23:57z] - Gear down at 3468ft, hdg 66 and 187kts
[00:57/23:57z] - Spoilers Deployed 3407ft, hdg 64 and 184kts
[00:57/23:57z] - Flaps to position 6 at 3146ft, hdg 105 and 166kts
[00:57/23:57z] - Spoilers Retracted 2991ft, hdg 135 and 151kts
[01:01/00:01z] - Spoilers Deployed 957ft, hdg 326 and 142kts
[01:02/00:01z] - Spoilers Retracted 908ft, hdg 326 and 139kts
[01:02/00:02z] - Spoilers Deployed 581ft, hdg 317 and 138kts
[01:02/00:02z] - Spoilers Retracted 520ft, hdg 321 and 138kts
[01:03/00:02z] - Landed at -96fpm, hdg 5, 128kts, flaps 6, 9383kg of fuel, pitch -3deg, bank -4deg.
[01:03/00:02z] - Wind Heading 220 | Wind Speed 7kts | Wind Turbulence None
[01:03/00:02z] - Landing Weight: 125741kg, Fuel: 9383kg, Payload: 27000kg
[01:03/00:02z] - AutoSave
[01:03/00:03z] - Spoilers Deployed 212ft, hdg 11 and 114kts
[01:03/00:03z] - Spoilers Retracted 211ft, hdg 11 and 83kts
[01:03/00:03z] - Taxiing to Gate
[01:03/00:03z] - Flaps to position 3 at 211ft, hdg 196 and 12kts
[01:03/00:03z] - Flaps to position 0 at 211ft, hdg 185 and 12kts
[01:06/00:06z] - Taxiing to Gate
[01:08/00:08z] - Parking Brake Applied
[01:08/00:08z] - Engine 1 stopped
[01:08/00:08z] - Engine 2 stopped
[01:09/00:09z] - Arrived safely at UHMA. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[01:09/00:09z] - Precipitation at UHMA: None
[01:09/00:09z] - Final Weight: 125341kg, Fuel: 8983kg, Payload: 27000kg
[01:09/00:09z] - Level D Simulations B767-300ER - Cubana Virtual CU-T1256
[01:09/00:09z] - FSPAcars
Avaliação do voo
Pitch Angle Limit Exceed: -20%
Stall Speed: -20%
Classificação: 60%