Flight Simulator Portugal voo FSPCHARTER
Piloto: | FSP146 - Togakure |
Companhia: | Flight Simulator Portugal (FSP) |
Voo: |
Aeronave: | C206 |
Origem: | Tracy - KTCY ![]() |
Destino: | Santa Barbara - SBA/KSBA ![]() |
Rota: | PATYY V109 VOLTA V113 PRB V25 RZS |
Altitude: | 11000ft |
Duração: | 2.07 |
Distância: | 211nm |
Data/Hora: | 15/11/2015 15:01 |
Servidor: | Offline |
Classificação: | Eficiência: 40% | Pontos: 0 |
Status: | APROVADO |
Log do voo
[12:53] - C206 N206RX
[12:53] - C206
[12:53] - Flight FSPCHARTER is ready to depart KTCY with a final destination of KSBA.
[12:53] - Precipitation at KTCY: None
[12:53] - Pilot in Command FSP146 | FSX | FSUIPC 4.921
[12:53] - Boarding
[12:53] - Gross Weight: 1417kg, Fuel: 250kg, Payload: 154kg
[12:53] - Parking Brake Applied
[12:55] - Taxiing to Runway
[12:55] - Engine 1 started at 197ft and 4kts
[12:55] - Landing Lights ON 197ft, hdg 117 and 4kts
[12:55] - Parking Brake Released
[12:56] - Flaps to position 1 at 197ft, hdg 117 and 4kts
[12:57] - Flaps to position 2 at 197ft, hdg 117 and 4kts
[12:57] - Flaps to position 1 at 197ft, hdg 117 and 4kts
[12:57] - Taking Off with 250kg of fuel
[12:57] - Takeoff roll started at 40kts and 250kg of fuel on board
[12:57] - Take Off Weight: 1417kg, Fuel: 250kg, Payload: 154kg
[12:57] - Initial Climb at 198ft, hdg 112, 82kts, flaps 1, 250kg of fuel, pitch -4deg, bank 0deg.
[12:57] - Wind Heading 141 | Wind Speed 4kts | Wind Turbulence None
[12:57] - Climbing to TOC at 198ft, hdg 112, 82kts
[12:57] - Flaps to position 0 at 300ft, hdg 116 and 94kts
[12:57] - Climbing at 397ft, hdg 115 and 101kts
[12:58] - Landing Lights OFF 1069ft, hdg 101 and 103kts
[13:00] - AutoPilot Engaged at 2662ft, hdg 118 and 131kts
[13:13] - Stall! 10480ft, hdg 169 and 59kts
[13:13] - Level Flight at 10489ft, hdg 169 and 56kts
[13:13] - Descending at 10476ft, hdg 170 and 56kts
[13:14] - Stall Recovered! 8595ft, hdg 179 and 28kts
[13:14] - Event Bank Angle 53deg
[13:14] - Stall! 8237ft, hdg 153 and 76kts
[13:14] - Event Pitch Angle 27deg
[13:14] - Stall Recovered! 7479ft, hdg 162 and 90kts
[13:14] - Climbing at 7506ft, hdg 160 and 86kts
[13:14] - Stall! 7844ft, hdg 168 and 58kts
[13:14] - Level Flight at 7854ft, hdg 167 and 55kts
[13:14] - Descending at 7839ft, hdg 167 and 55kts
[13:15] - Stall Recovered! 6097ft, hdg 171 and 30kts
[13:15] - Stall! 5878ft, hdg 269 and 43kts
[13:15] - Stall Recovered! 3844ft, hdg 167 and 34kts
[13:15] - Stall! 3277ft, hdg 241 and 95kts
[13:15] - Stall Recovered! 2474ft, hdg 282 and 101kts
[13:15] - Climbing at 2531ft, hdg 288 and 92kts
[13:15] - AutoPilot Disengaged at 2531ft, hdg 288 and 92kts
[13:16] - AutoPilot Engaged at 2741ft, hdg 318 and 121kts
[13:30] - Stall! 10338ft, hdg 171 and 58kts
[13:30] - Descending at 10336ft, hdg 172 and 55kts
[13:30] - AutoPilot Disengaged at 10169ft, hdg 174 and 63kts
[13:30] - Stall Recovered! 7086ft, hdg 136 and 87kts
[13:31] - AutoPilot Engaged at 6805ft, hdg 145 and 119kts
[13:31] - Climbing at 6821ft, hdg 145 and 118kts
[13:31] - Level Flight at 6842ft, hdg 143 and 119kts
[13:31] - Descending at 6836ft, hdg 143 and 121kts
[13:31] - Level Flight at 6830ft, hdg 143 and 122kts
[13:31] - Climbing at 6840ft, hdg 144 and 122kts
[13:36] - Level Flight at 8987ft, hdg 163 and 115kts
[13:37] - Climbing at 8944ft, hdg 162 and 121kts
[13:37] - Level Flight at 8983ft, hdg 162 and 120kts
[13:37] - Climbing at 9005ft, hdg 162 and 120kts
[13:41] - TOC reached at 10506ft, hdg 164 and 107kts
[13:41] - Cruise started at 10506ft, hdg 164 and 107kts
[13:41] - Wind Heading 203 | Wind Speed 32kts | Wind Turbulence None
[14:39] - TOD reached at 10492ft, hdg 147 and 135kts
[14:39] - Descending to destination at 10492ft, hdg 147 and 135kts
[14:45] - Level Flight at 7004ft, hdg 146 and 131kts
[14:47] - Descending at 6990ft, hdg 191 and 131kts
[14:47] - Level Flight at 6924ft, hdg 187 and 135kts
[14:47] - Climbing at 6930ft, hdg 187 and 134kts
[14:47] - Level Flight at 6983ft, hdg 188 and 130kts
[14:47] - Descending at 6974ft, hdg 188 and 131kts
[14:49] - Landing Lights ON 5543ft, hdg 184 and 134kts
[14:50] - Approach at 5294ft, hdg 184, 139kts, flaps 0 and 133kg of fuel on board
[14:50] - Wind Heading 14 | Wind Speed 21kts | Wind Turbulence None
[14:50] - AutoPilot Disengaged at 4832ft, hdg 183 and 137kts
[14:54] - Flaps to position 1 at 1078ft, hdg 76 and 111kts
[14:54] - Flaps to position 2 at 1034ft, hdg 67 and 95kts
[14:55] - Flaps to position 3 at 873ft, hdg 69 and 84kts
[14:57] - Landed at -168fpm, hdg 81, 60kts, flaps 3, 131kg of fuel, pitch -2deg, bank 0deg.
[14:57] - Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 3kts | Wind Turbulence None
[14:57] - Landing Weight: 1298kg, Fuel: 131kg, Payload: 154kg
[14:57] - Taxi Lights ON 27ft, hdg 81 and 50kts
[14:57] - Taxiing to Gate
[14:58] - Flaps to position 0 at 28ft, hdg 330 and 0kts
[15:00] - Parking Brake Applied
[15:00] - Engine 1 stopped at 34ft and 0kts
[15:00] - Landing Lights OFF 34ft, hdg 339 and 0kts
[15:00] - Taxi Lights OFF 34ft, hdg 339 and 0kts
[15:00] - Arrived safely at KSBA. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[15:00] - Precipitation at KSBA: None
[15:00] - Final Weight: 1297kg, Fuel: 130kg, Payload: 154kg
[15:00] - C206 N206RX
[15:00] - FSPAcars
Avaliação do voo
Bank Angle Limit Exceed: -20%
Pitch Angle Limit Exceed: -20%
Stall Speed: -20%
Classificação: 40%