Flight Simulator Portugal voo FSPCHARTER
Piloto: | FSP1465 - nht |
Companhia: | Flight Simulator Portugal (FSP) |
Voo: |
Aeronave: | B737-800 |
Origem: | Chiang Mai - CNX/VTCC ![]() |
Destino: | Kathmandu - KTM/VNKT ![]() |
Rota: | |
Altitude: | 36000ft |
Duração: | 2.36 |
Distância: | 922nm |
Data/Hora: | 14/03/2015 18:53 |
Servidor: | Online - IVAO |
Classificação: | Eficiência: 100% | Pontos: 5 |
Status: | APROVADO |
Log do voo
[16:15] - PMDG 737-800NGX PMDG Smile Express CS-TVN Winglets
[16:15] - B737-800WL
[16:15] - Flight FSPCHARTER is ready to depart VTCC with a final destination of VNKT.
[16:15] - Precipitation at VTCC: None
[16:15] - Pilot in Command FSP1465 | FSX | FSUIPC 4.937
[16:15] - Boarding
[16:15] - Gross Weight: 49413kg, Fuel: 8000kg, Payload: 0kg
[16:15] - Parking Brake Applied
[16:22] - Parking Brake Released
[16:22] - Pushing Back from the gate
[16:22] - Taxiing to Runway
[16:23] - Parking Brake Applied
[16:23] - Parking Brake Released
[16:23] - Taxi Lights ON 988ft, hdg 6 and 0kts
[16:24] - Flaps to position 1 at 988ft, hdg 278 and 14kts
[16:24] - Flaps to position 2 at 988ft, hdg 269 and 16kts
[16:24] - Flaps to position 3 at 988ft, hdg 271 and 15kts
[16:25] - Landing Lights ON 988ft, hdg 174 and 3kts
[16:25] - Taxi Lights OFF 988ft, hdg 174 and 3kts
[16:26] - Taking Off with 146 passengers on board
[16:26] - Takeoff roll started at 37kts and 7922kg of fuel on board
[16:26] - Take Off Weight: 49335kg, Fuel: 7922kg, Payload: 0kg
[16:26] - Initial Climb at 1054ft, hdg 182, 139kts, flaps 3, 7880kg of fuel, pitch -13deg, bank 1deg.
[16:26] - Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 6kts | Wind Turbulence None
[16:26] - Climbing to TOC at 1054ft, hdg 182, 139kts
[16:26] - Gear up at 1074ft, hdg 181 and 143kts
[16:26] - Climbing at 1284ft, hdg 181 and 158kts
[16:26] - Flaps to position 2 at 1662ft, hdg 180 and 168kts
[16:26] - Flaps to position 1 at 3145ft, hdg 205 and 185kts
[16:27] - Flaps to position 0 at 3857ft, hdg 235 and 204kts
[16:27] - Gear down at 4267ft, hdg 253 and 229kts
[16:27] - Gear up at 4806ft, hdg 266 and 234kts
[16:27] - Landing Lights OFF 6282ft, hdg 295 and 243kts
[16:39] - Level Flight at 31263ft, hdg 326 and 301kts
[16:39] - Climbing at 31286ft, hdg 328 and 301kts
[16:41] - TOC reached at 35529ft, hdg 322 and 275kts
[16:41] - Cruise started at 35529ft, hdg 322 and 275kts
[16:41] - Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 20kts | Wind Turbulence None
[18:28] - TOD reached at 35498ft, hdg 326 and 269kts
[18:28] - Descending to destination at 35498ft, hdg 326 and 269kts
[18:33] - Level Flight at 16510ft, hdg 322 and 326kts
[18:33] - Descending at 16495ft, hdg 323 and 311kts
[18:36] - Spoilers ON 14347ft, hdg 16 and 254kts
[18:36] - Spoilers OFF 14268ft, hdg 18 and 250kts
[18:37] - Spoilers ON 13801ft, hdg 21 and 240kts
[18:37] - Spoilers OFF 13314ft, hdg 21 and 216kts
[18:39] - Flaps to position 1 at 12391ft, hdg 21 and 201kts
[18:40] - Spoilers ON 11885ft, hdg 22 and 179kts
[18:40] - Flaps to position 2 at 11824ft, hdg 22 and 175kts
[18:40] - Flaps to position 3 at 11715ft, hdg 22 and 167kts
[18:41] - Flaps to position 4 at 11388ft, hdg 22 and 151kts
[18:41] - Spoilers OFF 11252ft, hdg 22 and 149kts
[18:41] - Flaps to position 5 at 11156ft, hdg 22 and 149kts
[18:41] - Spoilers ON 10622ft, hdg 22 and 151kts
[18:43] - Flaps to position 6 at 8955ft, hdg 23 and 150kts
[18:43] - Flaps to position 7 at 8863ft, hdg 22 and 134kts
[18:43] - Level Flight at 8857ft, hdg 23 and 133kts
[18:43] - Descending at 8816ft, hdg 22 and 122kts
[18:44] - Flaps to position 8 at 8566ft, hdg 23 and 124kts
[18:44] - Spoilers OFF 8420ft, hdg 22 and 114kts
[18:45] - Gear down at 7235ft, hdg 21 and 118kts
[18:45] - Landing Lights ON 7190ft, hdg 22 and 118kts
[18:47] - Approach at 5299ft, hdg 21, 116kts, flaps 8 and 2373kg of fuel on board
[18:47] - Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 8kts | Wind Turbulence None
[18:48] - Landed at -115fpm, hdg 22, 107kts, flaps 8, 2309kg of fuel, pitch -4deg, bank 0deg.
[18:48] - Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 7kts | Wind Turbulence None
[18:48] - Landing Weight: 43722kg, Fuel: 2309kg, Payload: 0kg
[18:48] - Spoilers ON 4400ft, hdg 22 and 106kts
[18:49] - Spoilers OFF 4398ft, hdg 24 and 39kts
[18:49] - Taxiing to Gate
[18:49] - Taxi Lights ON 4398ft, hdg 320 and 15kts
[18:49] - Landing Lights OFF 4398ft, hdg 320 and 15kts
[18:49] - Flaps to position 7 at 4398ft, hdg 257 and 0kts
[18:49] - Flaps to position 6 at 4398ft, hdg 283 and 1kts
[18:49] - Flaps to position 5 at 4398ft, hdg 300 and 3kts
[18:50] - Flaps to position 4 at 4398ft, hdg 314 and 6kts
[18:50] - Flaps to position 3 at 4398ft, hdg 346 and 12kts
[18:50] - Flaps to position 2 at 4398ft, hdg 15 and 13kts
[18:50] - Flaps to position 1 at 4398ft, hdg 9 and 14kts
[18:50] - Flaps to position 0 at 4398ft, hdg 302 and 7kts
[18:50] - Parking Brake Applied
[18:50] - Taxi Lights OFF 4398ft, hdg 291 and 0kts
[18:52] - Arrived safely at VNKT. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[18:52] - Precipitation at VNKT: None
[18:52] - Final Weight: 43682kg, Fuel: 2269kg, Payload: 0kg
[18:52] - PMDG 737-800NGX PMDG Smile Express CS-TVN Winglets
[18:52] - FSPAcars
Avaliação do voo
Classificação: 100%