Flight Simulator Portugal voo FSPCHARTER
Piloto: | FSP1465 - nht |
Companhia: | Flight Simulator Portugal (FSP) |
Voo: |
Aeronave: | B737-700 |
Origem: | Anadyr - DYR/UHMA ![]() ![]() |
Destino: | Kamchatsky - PKC/UHPP ![]() |
Rota: | |
Altitude: | 36000ft |
Duração: | 2.38 |
Distância: | 909nm |
Data/Hora: | 28/02/2015 16:24 |
Servidor: | Online - IVAO |
Classificação: | Eficiência: 95% | Pontos: 6 |
Status: | APROVADO |
Log do voo
[13:45] - Boeing 737-7K2NGX Transavia Airlines Winglets
[13:45] - B737-700WL
[13:45] - Flight FSPCHARTER is ready to depart UHMA with a final destination of UHPP.
[13:45] - Precipitation at UHMA: Rain
[13:45] - Pilot in Command FSP1465 | FSX | FSUIPC 4.937
[13:45] - Boarding
[13:45] - Gross Weight: 45648kg, Fuel: 8000kg, Payload: 0kg
[13:45] - Parking Brake Applied
[13:50] - Parking Brake Released
[13:50] - Pushing Back from the gate
[13:51] - Taxiing to Runway
[13:51] - Parking Brake Applied
[13:52] - Taxi Lights ON 202ft, hdg 300 and 10kts
[13:52] - Parking Brake Released
[13:52] - Flaps to position 1 at 202ft, hdg 302 and 14kts
[13:52] - Flaps to position 2 at 202ft, hdg 305 and 19kts
[13:52] - Flaps to position 3 at 202ft, hdg 305 and 21kts
[13:53] - Landing Lights ON 202ft, hdg 357 and 20kts
[13:53] - Taxi Lights OFF 202ft, hdg 357 and 18kts
[13:54] - Event Taxi Speed 36kts
[13:54] - Taking Off with 142 passengers on board
[13:54] - Takeoff roll started at 78kts and 7929kg of fuel on board
[13:54] - Take Off Weight: 45577kg, Fuel: 7929kg, Payload: 0kg
[13:54] - Initial Climb at 207ft, hdg 5, 147kts, flaps 3, 7905kg of fuel, pitch -10deg, bank 0deg.
[13:54] - Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 18kts | Wind Turbulence None
[13:54] - Climbing to TOC at 207ft, hdg 5, 147kts
[13:54] - Gear up at 276ft, hdg 7 and 159kts
[13:54] - Climbing at 408ft, hdg 8 and 166kts
[13:54] - Flaps to position 2 at 747ft, hdg 8 and 175kts
[13:55] - Flaps to position 1 at 1857ft, hdg 17 and 195kts
[13:55] - Flaps to position 0 at 3107ft, hdg 29 and 200kts
[13:56] - Landing Lights OFF 6382ft, hdg 298 and 248kts
[13:58] - Level Flight at 13994ft, hdg 228 and 312kts
[14:03] - Climbing at 14014ft, hdg 229 and 311kts
[14:11] - TOC reached at 35510ft, hdg 237 and 263kts
[14:11] - Cruise started at 35510ft, hdg 237 and 263kts
[14:11] - Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 58kts | Wind Turbulence None
[16:00] - TOD reached at 35496ft, hdg 220 and 266kts
[16:00] - Descending to destination at 35496ft, hdg 220 and 266kts
[16:04] - Spoilers ON 18761ft, hdg 215 and 337kts
[16:05] - Spoilers OFF 18120ft, hdg 216 and 309kts
[16:06] - Spoilers ON 15866ft, hdg 197 and 296kts
[16:11] - Flaps to position 1 at 6057ft, hdg 230 and 208kts
[16:11] - Flaps to position 2 at 5810ft, hdg 245 and 207kts
[16:11] - Approach at 5291ft, hdg 262, 205kts, flaps 2 and 2647kg of fuel on board
[16:11] - Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 28kts | Wind Turbulence None
[16:12] - Flaps to position 3 at 4057ft, hdg 306 and 159kts
[16:12] - Flaps to position 4 at 3834ft, hdg 309 and 152kts
[16:13] - Spoilers OFF 3509ft, hdg 305 and 155kts
[16:14] - Flaps to position 5 at 2545ft, hdg 346 and 134kts
[16:14] - Gear down at 2541ft, hdg 346 and 135kts
[16:14] - Landing Lights ON 2539ft, hdg 345 and 134kts
[16:15] - Flaps to position 6 at 2514ft, hdg 347 and 133kts
[16:16] - Flaps to position 7 at 1980ft, hdg 346 and 132kts
[16:17] - Flaps to position 8 at 1208ft, hdg 343 and 125kts
[16:20] - Landed at -129fpm, hdg 336, 116kts, flaps 8, 2389kg of fuel, pitch -1deg, bank 1deg.
[16:20] - Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 16kts | Wind Turbulence None
[16:20] - Landing Weight: 40036kg, Fuel: 2389kg, Payload: 0kg
[16:20] - Approach at 140ft, hdg 334, 115kts, flaps 8 and 2387kg of fuel on board
[16:20] - Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 16kts | Wind Turbulence None
[16:20] - Approach at 140ft, hdg 331, 111kts, flaps 8 and 2388kg of fuel on board
[16:20] - Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 16kts | Wind Turbulence None
[16:20] - Spoilers ON 140ft, hdg 328 and 108kts
[16:20] - Taxiing to Gate
[16:20] - Spoilers OFF 139ft, hdg 333 and 47kts
[16:21] - Taxi Lights ON 139ft, hdg 251 and 20kts
[16:21] - Landing Lights OFF 139ft, hdg 251 and 20kts
[16:21] - Flaps to position 7 at 139ft, hdg 205 and 6kts
[16:21] - Flaps to position 6 at 139ft, hdg 201 and 5kts
[16:21] - Flaps to position 5 at 139ft, hdg 191 and 3kts
[16:21] - Flaps to position 4 at 139ft, hdg 190 and 3kts
[16:22] - Flaps to position 3 at 139ft, hdg 189 and 3kts
[16:22] - Flaps to position 2 at 139ft, hdg 188 and 3kts
[16:22] - Flaps to position 1 at 139ft, hdg 189 and 0kts
[16:22] - Flaps to position 0 at 139ft, hdg 253 and 10kts
[16:22] - Parking Brake Applied
[16:22] - Taxi Lights OFF 139ft, hdg 277 and 13kts
[16:23] - Arrived safely at UHPP. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[16:23] - Precipitation at UHPP: None
[16:23] - Final Weight: 40002kg, Fuel: 2354kg, Payload: 0kg
[16:23] - Boeing 737-7K2NGX Transavia Airlines Winglets
[16:23] - FSPAcars
Avaliação do voo
Taxi Speed Limit Exceed: -5%
Classificação: 95%