Flight Simulator Portugal voo FSPCHARTER
Piloto: | FSP1465 - nht |
Companhia: | Flight Simulator Portugal (FSP) |
Voo: |
Aeronave: | B737-800 |
Origem: | Darwin - DRW/YPDN ![]() |
Destino: | Cairns - CNS/YBCS ![]() |
Rota: | |
Altitude: | 37000ft |
Duração: | 2.25 |
Distância: | 906nm |
Data/Hora: | 18/03/2014 22:23 |
Servidor: | Online - FSP |
Classificação: | Eficiência: 95% | Pontos: 5 |
Status: | APROVADO |
Log do voo
[19:57] - Boeing 737-8CTNGX Sunwings Express Winglets
[19:57] - B737-800WL
[19:57] - Flight FSPCHARTER is ready to depart YPDN with a final destination of YBCS.
[19:57] - Precipitation at YPDN: None
[19:57] - Pilot in Command FSP1465 | FSX | FSUIPC 4,858
[19:57] - Boarding
[19:57] - Gross Weight: 49402kg, Fuel: 7989kg, Payload: 0kg
[19:57] - Parking Brake Applied
[19:58] - Parking Brake Released
[19:58] - Pushing Back from the gate
[19:59] - Taxiing to Runway
[19:59] - Parking Brake Applied
[19:59] - Taxi Lights ON 111ft, hdg 16 and 0kts
[20:00] - Parking Brake Released
[20:02] - Landing Lights ON 111ft, hdg 109 and 7kts
[20:02] - Taxi Lights OFF 111ft, hdg 109 and 7kts
[20:02] - Taking Off with 147 passengers on board
[20:02] - Takeoff roll started at 42kts and 7902kg of fuel on board
[20:02] - Take Off Weight: 49315kg, Fuel: 7902kg, Payload: 0kg
[20:03] - Initial Climb at 114ft, hdg 111, 134kts, flaps 3, 7865kg of fuel, pitch -11deg, bank 0deg.
[20:03] - Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 7kts | Wind Turbulence None
[20:03] - Climbing to TOC at 114ft, hdg 111, 134kts
[20:03] - Gear up at 144ft, hdg 111 and 144kts
[20:03] - Climbing at 321ft, hdg 109 and 163kts
[20:03] - Flaps to position 2 at 590ft, hdg 108 and 176kts
[20:03] - Flaps to position 1 at 803ft, hdg 108 and 182kts
[20:03] - Flaps to position 0 at 1371ft, hdg 107 and 196kts
[20:04] - Landing Lights OFF 6766ft, hdg 107 and 248kts
[20:16] - TOC reached at 36506ft, hdg 106 and 269kts
[20:16] - Cruise started at 36506ft, hdg 106 and 269kts
[20:16] - Wind Heading 131 | Wind Speed 24kts | Wind Turbulence None
[21:50] - TOD reached at 36493ft, hdg 101 and 265kts
[21:50] - Descending to destination at 36493ft, hdg 101 and 265kts
[21:56] - Spoilers ON 15806ft, hdg 104 and 346kts
[21:56] - Spoilers OFF 15453ft, hdg 105 and 342kts
[21:56] - Spoilers ON 14065ft, hdg 104 and 346kts
[21:56] - Spoilers OFF 13336ft, hdg 104 and 338kts
[21:57] - Spoilers ON 12971ft, hdg 104 and 339kts
[21:57] - Level Flight at 11975ft, hdg 102 and 305kts
[21:57] - Descending at 11962ft, hdg 103 and 283kts
[21:58] - Spoilers OFF 11686ft, hdg 104 and 256kts
[22:02] - Landing Lights ON 9145ft, hdg 88 and 244kts
[22:06] - Spoilers ON 6207ft, hdg 87 and 244kts
[22:07] - Approach at 5292ft, hdg 88, 188kts, flaps 0 and 3010kg of fuel on board
[22:07] - Wind Heading 179 | Wind Speed 21kts | Wind Turbulence None
[22:08] - Flaps to position 1 at 5063ft, hdg 87 and 169kts
[22:08] - Flaps to position 2 at 5061ft, hdg 88 and 162kts
[22:08] - Spoilers OFF 5094ft, hdg 89 and 155kts
[22:09] - Flaps to position 3 at 5121ft, hdg 89 and 152kts
[22:12] - Flaps to position 4 at 3704ft, hdg 151 and 145kts
[22:12] - Flaps to position 5 at 3701ft, hdg 152 and 144kts
[22:12] - Flaps to position 6 at 3713ft, hdg 152 and 141kts
[22:13] - Flaps to position 7 at 3700ft, hdg 153 and 137kts
[22:13] - Gear down at 3700ft, hdg 153 and 137kts
[22:14] - Flaps to position 8 at 3133ft, hdg 153 and 129kts
[22:18] - Event ILS Glideslope at 754ft AGL, -40deg
[22:20] - Landed at -173fpm, hdg 154, 111kts, flaps 8, 2605kg of fuel, pitch -5deg, bank 0deg.
[22:20] - Wind Heading 177 | Wind Speed 13kts | Wind Turbulence None
[22:20] - Landing Weight: 44018kg, Fuel: 2605kg, Payload: 0kg
[22:20] - Approach at 22ft, hdg 154, 110kts, flaps 8 and 2604kg of fuel on board
[22:20] - Wind Heading 177 | Wind Speed 13kts | Wind Turbulence None
[22:20] - Spoilers ON 20ft, hdg 149 and 98kts
[22:20] - Taxiing to Gate
[22:20] - Taxi Lights ON 18ft, hdg 214 and 16kts
[22:20] - Landing Lights OFF 18ft, hdg 227 and 13kts
[22:21] - Parking Brake Applied
[22:22] - Spoilers OFF 18ft, hdg 242 and 4kts
[22:22] - Taxi Lights OFF 18ft, hdg 242 and 4kts
[22:22] - Arrived safely at YBCS. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[22:22] - Precipitation at YBCS: None
[22:22] - Final Weight: 43974kg, Fuel: 2561kg, Payload: 0kg
[22:22] - Boeing 737-8CTNGX Sunwings Express Winglets
[22:22] - FSPAcars
Avaliação do voo
ILS - OUT of Glideslope between 1000/350ft AGL: -5%
Classificação: 95%