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o FSP agradece o teu feedback com correções e atualizações via PM à Administração e Moderadores
o FSP agradece o teu feedback com correções e atualizações via PM à Administração e Moderadores
- Capitão
- Mensagens: 2376
- Registado: sábado dez 01, 2007 12:00 am
Re: GLOSSÁRIO/SIGLAS/DICIONÁRIO (ou o que lhe queiram chamar)
Boas Sparky
Obrigado por partilhares. Podes continuar, mas evita repetir as que já foram colocadas, poupas-me o trabalho de ter que as selcccionar umaa uma para colocar numa lista geral.
Pedro "Freeman"
Obrigado por partilhares. Podes continuar, mas evita repetir as que já foram colocadas, poupas-me o trabalho de ter que as selcccionar umaa uma para colocar numa lista geral.
Pedro "Freeman"
- 2º Oficial
- Mensagens: 39
- Registado: quarta jun 17, 2009 12:35 pm
Re: GLOSSÁRIO/SIGLAS/DICIONÁRIO (ou o que lhe queiram chamar)
Boas a todosFreeman Escreveu: ...Podes continuar, mas evita repetir as que já foram colocadas...
Ok Pedro, não é muito dificil, basta "pegar" nas que já estão, colocá-las numa folha de excel, fazer o sort e ver quais já foram "postadas"

Hoje deixo-vos com as siglas começadas por "B" e "C" (por serem poucas)
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
B - Blue (Airbus hydraulic systems)
BARO - Barometric
BAT - Battery
BCD - Binary Coded Decimal
BCL - Battery Charge Limiter
BFO - Beat Frequency Oscillator
BGM - Boarding Music
BITE - Built-in Test Equipment
BMC - Bleed Monitoring Computer
BNR - Binary
BOT - Begin of Tape
BP - Bottom Plug
BRG - Bearing
BRK - Brake
BRKR - Breaker
BRKT - Bracket
BRT - Bright, Brightness
BSCU - Braking/Steering Control Unit
BTC - Bus Tie Contactor
BTMU - Brake Temperature Monitoring Unit
BTN - Button
BTR - Bus Tie Relay
BU - Battery Unit
BUS - Busbar
BYDU - Back-Up Yaw Damper Unit
C - Close
C - Celsius, Centigrade
C/B - Circuit Breaker
C/L - Check List
CAB - Cabin
CAM - Cabin Assignment Module
CAPT - Captain
CAS - Calibrated Air Speed
CAUT - Caution
CAUT LT - Caution Light
CBMS - Circuit Breaker Monitoring System
CBMU - Circuit Breaker Monitoring Unit
CCS - Cabin Communications System
CCW - Counter Clockwise
CDP - Compressor Discharge Pressure
CDU - Control and Display Unit
CFDIU - Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit
CFDS - Centralized Fault Display System
CFMI - CFM International
CFRP - Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic
CG - Center of Gravity
CGCS - Center of Gravity Control System
CHAN - Channel
CHG - Change
CIDS - Cabin Intercommunication Data System
CK - Check
CKPT - Cockpit
CKT - Circuit
CL - Center Line
CLB - Climb
CLG - Centerline Landing Gear
CLOG - Clogging
CLR - Clear
CMC - Central Maintenance Computer
CMD - Command
CMM - Component Maintenance Manual
CMR - Certifification Maintenance Requirements
CNTOR - Contactor
CO - Company
COM - Communication
COMPT - Compartment
COMPTR - Comparator
COND - Conditioned, Conditioning
CONFIG - Configuration
CONT - Controller
CONV - Converter
COOL - Cooling, Cooler
COS - Cosine
CPC - Cabin Pressure Controller
CPLR - Coupler
CPMS - Cabin and Passenger Management System
CPMU - Cabin Passenger Management Unit
CPRSR - Compressor
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CRC - Continuous Repetitive Chime
CRG - Cargo
CRS - Course
CRT - Cathode Ray Tube
CRZ - Cruise
CSD - Constant Speed Drive
CSM/G - Constant Speed Motor/Generator
CSTR - Constraint
CSU - Command Sensor Unit
CT - Current Transformer
CTL - Central
CTL - Control
CTR - Center
CU - Control Unit
CUDU - Current Unbalance Detection Unit
CUR - Current
CVR - Cockpit Voice Recorder
CVT - Center Vent Tube
CW - Clockwise
Definições verificadas, não existindo em duplicado com as já existentes :air:
Fly High & Take Care
- 2º Oficial
- Mensagens: 39
- Registado: quarta jun 17, 2009 12:35 pm
Re: GLOSSÁRIO/SIGLAS/DICIONÁRIO (ou o que lhe queiram chamar)
Continuando com as abreviaturas, hoje são o "D" e o "E"
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
D/D - Engine Out Drift Down Point
D/O - Description and Operation
DA - Drift Angle
DAC - Digital to Analog Converter
DAR - Digital ACMS Recorder
DC - Direct Current
DDRMI - Digital Distance and Radio Magnetic Indicator
DEC - Declination
DECEL - Decelerate
DECR - Decrease
DEF - Definition
DELTA P - Differential Pressure
DES - Descent
DEST - Destination
DET - Detection, Detector
DEU - Decoder/Encoder Unit
DEV - Deviation
DFDR - Digital Flight Data Recorder
DFDRS - Digital Flight Data Recording System
DGI - Digital Input
DGO - Digital Output
DH - Decision Height
DIA - Diameter
DIFF - Differential
DIM - Dimming, Dimension
DIR - Direction, Direct, Director
DISC - Disconnect, Disconnected
DIST - Distance
DMA - Direct Memory Access
DMC - Display Management Computer
DMU - Data Management Unit
DN - Down
DNLK - Downlock
DPDT - Double Pole/Double Throw
DPI - Differential Pressure Indicator
DR - Dead Reckoning
DRVR - Driver
DSCRT - Discrete
DSDL - Dedicated Serial Data Link
DSI - Discrete Input
DSO - Discrete Output
DSPL - Display
DTG - Distance to Go
DTMF - Dual Tone Multiple Frequency
DU - Display Unit
E - East
EBU - Engine Built-up Unit
ECAM - Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring
ECB - Electronic Control Box (APU)
ECM - Engine Condition Monitoring
ECMU - Electrical Contactor Management Unit
ECON - Economy
ECP - Ecam Control Panel
ECS - Environmental Control System
ECU - Electronic Control Unit
EEC - Electronic Engine Control
EEPROM - Electrically Eraseable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFCS - Electrical Flight Control System
EFF - Effective, Effectivity
EGIU - Electrical Generation Interface Unit
EGT - Exhaust Gas Temperature
EIS - Electronic Instrument System
EIU - Engine Interface Unit
EIVMU - Engine Interface and Vibration Monitoring Unit
ELEC - Electric, Electrical, Electricity
ELEV - Elevation, Elevator
EMER - Emergency
EMI - Electromagnetic Interference
END - Endurance
ENG - Engine
EO - Engine Out
EOSID - Engine Out Standard Instrument Departure
EOT - End of Tape
EPC - External Power Contactor
EPGS - Electrical Power Generation System
EPR - Engine Pressure Ratio
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EPSU - Emergency Power Supply Unit
EQPT - Equipment
ESS - Essential
EST - Estimated
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
ETE - Estimated Time en Route
ETP - Equal Time Point
EVAC - Evacuation
EWD - Engine/Warning Display
EXC - Excitation, Excite
EXCESS - Excessive
EXT - Exterior, External
Fly High & Take Care
Continuando com as abreviaturas, hoje são o "D" e o "E"
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
D/D - Engine Out Drift Down Point
D/O - Description and Operation
DA - Drift Angle
DAC - Digital to Analog Converter
DAR - Digital ACMS Recorder
DC - Direct Current
DDRMI - Digital Distance and Radio Magnetic Indicator
DEC - Declination
DECEL - Decelerate
DECR - Decrease
DEF - Definition
DELTA P - Differential Pressure
DES - Descent
DEST - Destination
DET - Detection, Detector
DEU - Decoder/Encoder Unit
DEV - Deviation
DFDR - Digital Flight Data Recorder
DFDRS - Digital Flight Data Recording System
DGI - Digital Input
DGO - Digital Output
DH - Decision Height
DIA - Diameter
DIFF - Differential
DIM - Dimming, Dimension
DIR - Direction, Direct, Director
DISC - Disconnect, Disconnected
DIST - Distance
DMA - Direct Memory Access
DMC - Display Management Computer
DMU - Data Management Unit
DN - Down
DNLK - Downlock
DPDT - Double Pole/Double Throw
DPI - Differential Pressure Indicator
DR - Dead Reckoning
DRVR - Driver
DSCRT - Discrete
DSDL - Dedicated Serial Data Link
DSI - Discrete Input
DSO - Discrete Output
DSPL - Display
DTG - Distance to Go
DTMF - Dual Tone Multiple Frequency
DU - Display Unit
E - East
EBU - Engine Built-up Unit
ECAM - Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring
ECB - Electronic Control Box (APU)
ECM - Engine Condition Monitoring
ECMU - Electrical Contactor Management Unit
ECON - Economy
ECP - Ecam Control Panel
ECS - Environmental Control System
ECU - Electronic Control Unit
EEC - Electronic Engine Control
EEPROM - Electrically Eraseable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFCS - Electrical Flight Control System
EFF - Effective, Effectivity
EGIU - Electrical Generation Interface Unit
EGT - Exhaust Gas Temperature
EIS - Electronic Instrument System
EIU - Engine Interface Unit
EIVMU - Engine Interface and Vibration Monitoring Unit
ELEC - Electric, Electrical, Electricity
ELEV - Elevation, Elevator
EMER - Emergency
EMI - Electromagnetic Interference
END - Endurance
ENG - Engine
EO - Engine Out
EOSID - Engine Out Standard Instrument Departure
EOT - End of Tape
EPC - External Power Contactor
EPGS - Electrical Power Generation System
EPR - Engine Pressure Ratio
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EPSU - Emergency Power Supply Unit
EQPT - Equipment
ESS - Essential
EST - Estimated
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
ETE - Estimated Time en Route
ETP - Equal Time Point
EVAC - Evacuation
EWD - Engine/Warning Display
EXC - Excitation, Excite
EXCESS - Excessive
EXT - Exterior, External
Fly High & Take Care
- 2º Oficial
- Mensagens: 39
- Registado: quarta jun 17, 2009 12:35 pm
Re: GLOSSÁRIO/SIGLAS/DICIONÁRIO (ou o que lhe queiram chamar)
Bom dia
Hoje proponho-vos o "F" e o "G"
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
F - Fahrenheit
F-PLN Flight Plan
F/O - First Officer
FAC - Flight Augmentation Computer
FADEC - Full Authority Digital Engine Control
FAIL - Failed, Failure
FAP - Forward Attendant Panel
FC - Fully Closed
FCDC - Flight Control Data Concentrator
FCMS - Fuel Control Monitoring System
FCOM - Flight Crew Operating Manual
FCPC - Flight Control Primary Computer
FCSC - Flight Control Secondary Computer
FCTN - Function
FCU - Flight Control Unit
FCV - Flow Control Valve
FD - Flight Director
FDBK - Feedback
FDIU - Flight Data Interface Unit
FDU - Fire Detection Unit
FE - Flight Envelope
FF - Fuel Flow
FG - Flight Guidance
FIDS - Fault Isolation and Detection System
FIFO - First Input/First Output
FIG - Figure
FIN - Functional Item Number
FIR - Full Indicator Reading
FLEX - Flexible
FLP - Flap
FLT - Flight
FM - Flight Management
FMA - Flight Mode Annunciator
FMGC - Flight Management and Guidance Computer
FMU - Fuel Metering Unit
FMV - Fuel Metering Valve
FO - Fully Open
FOB - Fuel On Board
FOD - Foreign Object Damage
FPA - Flight Path Angle
FPEEPMS - Floor Proximity Emergency Escape Path Marking System
FPPU - Feedback Position Pick-off Unit
FPV - Flight Path Vector
FQ - Fuel Quantity
FQI - Fuel Quantity Indicating/Indication/Indicator
FR - Frame
FREQ - Frequency
FRU - Frequency Reference Unit
FRV - Fuel Return Valve
FSB - Fasten Seat Belts
FW - Failure Warning
FWC - Flight Warning Computer
FWD - Forward
FWS - Flight Warning System
G - Green
G/S - Glide Slope
GA - Go-Around
GALY - Galley
GAPCU - Ground Auxiliary Power Control Unit
GCR - Generator Control Relay
GCU - Generator Control Unit
GEN - Generator
GLC - Generator Line Contactor
GLR - Generator Line Relay
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
GND - Ground
GPCU - Ground Power Control Unit
GPS - Global Positioning System
GPU - Ground Power Unit
GPWC - Ground Proximity Warning Computer
GPWS - Ground Proximity Warning System
GRP - Geographic Reference Point
GRU - Ground Refrigeration Unit
GS - Ground Speed
GSE - Ground Support Equipment
GW - Gross Weight
Apenas uma nota que já devia ter colocado logo no primeiro post: Se tiverem duvida em relação ao significado de alguma das abreviaturas, digam que eu explico.
8) Continuação de bom fim de semana
Fly High & Take Care
Hoje proponho-vos o "F" e o "G"
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
F - Fahrenheit
F-PLN Flight Plan
F/O - First Officer
FAC - Flight Augmentation Computer
FADEC - Full Authority Digital Engine Control
FAIL - Failed, Failure
FAP - Forward Attendant Panel
FC - Fully Closed
FCDC - Flight Control Data Concentrator
FCMS - Fuel Control Monitoring System
FCOM - Flight Crew Operating Manual
FCPC - Flight Control Primary Computer
FCSC - Flight Control Secondary Computer
FCTN - Function
FCU - Flight Control Unit
FCV - Flow Control Valve
FD - Flight Director
FDBK - Feedback
FDIU - Flight Data Interface Unit
FDU - Fire Detection Unit
FE - Flight Envelope
FF - Fuel Flow
FG - Flight Guidance
FIDS - Fault Isolation and Detection System
FIFO - First Input/First Output
FIG - Figure
FIN - Functional Item Number
FIR - Full Indicator Reading
FLEX - Flexible
FLP - Flap
FLT - Flight
FM - Flight Management
FMA - Flight Mode Annunciator
FMGC - Flight Management and Guidance Computer
FMU - Fuel Metering Unit
FMV - Fuel Metering Valve
FO - Fully Open
FOB - Fuel On Board
FOD - Foreign Object Damage
FPA - Flight Path Angle
FPEEPMS - Floor Proximity Emergency Escape Path Marking System
FPPU - Feedback Position Pick-off Unit
FPV - Flight Path Vector
FQ - Fuel Quantity
FQI - Fuel Quantity Indicating/Indication/Indicator
FR - Frame
FREQ - Frequency
FRU - Frequency Reference Unit
FRV - Fuel Return Valve
FSB - Fasten Seat Belts
FW - Failure Warning
FWC - Flight Warning Computer
FWD - Forward
FWS - Flight Warning System
G - Green
G/S - Glide Slope
GA - Go-Around
GALY - Galley
GAPCU - Ground Auxiliary Power Control Unit
GCR - Generator Control Relay
GCU - Generator Control Unit
GEN - Generator
GLC - Generator Line Contactor
GLR - Generator Line Relay
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
GND - Ground
GPCU - Ground Power Control Unit
GPS - Global Positioning System
GPU - Ground Power Unit
GPWC - Ground Proximity Warning Computer
GPWS - Ground Proximity Warning System
GRP - Geographic Reference Point
GRU - Ground Refrigeration Unit
GS - Ground Speed
GSE - Ground Support Equipment
GW - Gross Weight

8) Continuação de bom fim de semana
Fly High & Take Care
- 2º Oficial
- Mensagens: 39
- Registado: quarta jun 17, 2009 12:35 pm
Re: GLOSSÁRIO/SIGLAS/DICIONÁRIO (ou o que lhe queiram chamar)
Bom dia
Para hoje deixo-lhes as abreviaturas aeronauticas começadas por "H", "I" e "J"
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
H - Hot (Electrical Point)
HCU - Hydraulic Control Unit
HDG - Heading
HEGS - Hydraulic Electrical Generating System
HF - High Frequency
HI - High
HLAC - High Level Alternating Current Voltage
HLDC - High Level Direct Current Voltage
HMU - Hydromechanical Unit
HP - High Pressure
HPC - High Pressure Compressor
HPT - High Pressure Turbine
HPTACC - High Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control
HS - High Speed
HSI - Horizontal Situation Indicator
HSMU - Hydraulic System Monitoring Unit
HUDC - Head Up Display Computer
HYD - Hydraulic
I/O - Input/Output
I/P - Intercept Profile
I/P - Input
IAE - International Aero Engines
IAS - Indicated Airspeed
IBR - Integral Bladed Rotor
ID - Inside Diameter
IDENT - Identification, Identifier, Identify
IDG - Integrated Drive Generator
IDGS - Integrated Drive Generator System
IGB - Inlet Gear Box
IGN - Ignition
IGV - Inlet Guide Vane
IMM - Immediate
INB - Inbound
INBD - Inboard
INCR - Increment
IND - Indicator
INFO - Information
INHIB - Inhibition, Inhibit, Inhibited
INIT - Initial(ization)
INOP - Inoperative
INR - Inner
INT - Interrupt
INTCP - Intercept
INTFC - Interface
INTL - Internal
INTRG - Interrogate, Interrogator
INV - Inverter
IP - Intermediate Pressure
IPC - Illustrated Parts Catalog
IPPU - Instrumentation Position Pick-off Unit
IR - Inertial Reference
IRS - Inertial Reference System
ISA - International Standard Atmosphere
ISO - International Standardization Organisation
ISOL - Isolation
IVS - Inertial Vertical Speed
JAM - Jammed, Jamming
JAR - Joint Airworthiness Requirements
Continuação de bom fim de semana
Fly High & Take Care
Para hoje deixo-lhes as abreviaturas aeronauticas começadas por "H", "I" e "J"
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
H - Hot (Electrical Point)
HCU - Hydraulic Control Unit
HDG - Heading
HEGS - Hydraulic Electrical Generating System
HF - High Frequency
HI - High
HLAC - High Level Alternating Current Voltage
HLDC - High Level Direct Current Voltage
HMU - Hydromechanical Unit
HP - High Pressure
HPC - High Pressure Compressor
HPT - High Pressure Turbine
HPTACC - High Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control
HS - High Speed
HSI - Horizontal Situation Indicator
HSMU - Hydraulic System Monitoring Unit
HUDC - Head Up Display Computer
HYD - Hydraulic
I/O - Input/Output
I/P - Intercept Profile
I/P - Input
IAE - International Aero Engines
IAS - Indicated Airspeed
IBR - Integral Bladed Rotor
ID - Inside Diameter
IDENT - Identification, Identifier, Identify
IDG - Integrated Drive Generator
IDGS - Integrated Drive Generator System
IGB - Inlet Gear Box
IGN - Ignition
IGV - Inlet Guide Vane
IMM - Immediate
INB - Inbound
INBD - Inboard
INCR - Increment
IND - Indicator
INFO - Information
INHIB - Inhibition, Inhibit, Inhibited
INIT - Initial(ization)
INOP - Inoperative
INR - Inner
INT - Interrupt
INTCP - Intercept
INTFC - Interface
INTL - Internal
INTRG - Interrogate, Interrogator
INV - Inverter
IP - Intermediate Pressure
IPC - Illustrated Parts Catalog
IPPU - Instrumentation Position Pick-off Unit
IR - Inertial Reference
IRS - Inertial Reference System
ISA - International Standard Atmosphere
ISO - International Standardization Organisation
ISOL - Isolation
IVS - Inertial Vertical Speed
JAM - Jammed, Jamming
JAR - Joint Airworthiness Requirements
Continuação de bom fim de semana
Fly High & Take Care
- 2º Oficial
- Mensagens: 39
- Registado: quarta jun 17, 2009 12:35 pm
Re: GLOSSÁRIO/SIGLAS/DICIONÁRIO (ou o que lhe queiram chamar)
Olá a todos
Após alguns dias de ausência (por motivos profissionais), volto a trazer-lhes mais algumas abreviaturas aeronauticas.
Para hoje os "L" e os "M".
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
L - Left
L - Length
L/G - Landing Gear
LA - Linear Accelerometer
LAT - Lateral
LAT - Latitude
LAV - Lavatory
LBP - Left Bottom Plug
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LCIT - Load Compressor Inlet Temperature
LDG - Landing
LE - Leading Edge
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LGCIU - Landing Gear Control and Interface Unit
LIM - Limit, Limitation, Limiting, Limiter
LKD - Locked
LL - Lat/Long
LLDC - Low Level Direct Current Voltage
LMP - Left Middle Plug
LNG - Long
LMS - Leakage Measurement System
LO - Low
LOC - Localizer
LONG - Longitude
LONGN - Longeron
LOP - Low Oil Pressure
LP - Low Pressure
LPC - Low Pressure Compressor
LPT - Low Pressure Turbine
LPTACC - Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control
LRU - Line Replaceable Unit
LS - Loudspeaker
LSB - Least Significant Bit
LSI - Large Scale Integration
LT - Light
LTP - Left Top Plug
LV - Low Voltage
LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transducer
LVL - Level
LW - Landing Weight
LWR - Lower
MAC - Mean Aerodynamic Chord
MAG - Magnetic
MAINT - Maintenance
MAN - Manual
MAX - Maximum
MCDU - Multipurpose Control & Display Unit
MCL - Maximum Climb
MCT - Maximum Continuous Thrust
MCU - Modular Concept Unit
MDA - Minimum Descent Altitude
MDDU - Multipurpose Disk Drive Unit
MECH - Mechanic, Mechanical, Mechanism
MED - Medium
MES - Main Engine Start
MI - Magnetic Indicator
MIC - Microphone
MICBAC - Micro-System Bus Access Channel
MID - Middle
MIN - Minimum
MISC - Miscellaneous
MKR - Marker (radio) Beacon
MLA - Maneuver Load Alleviation
MLG - Main Landing Gear
MLI - Magnetic Level Indicator
MLS - Microwave Landing System
MLW - Maximum Design Landing Weight
MMEL - Master Minimum Equipment List
MMO - Maximum Operating Mach
MMR - Multi Mode Receiver
MODLTR - Modulator
MON - Monitor, Monitoring, Monitored
MORA - Minimum Off Route Altitude
MOT - Motor, Motorized
MPD - Maintenance Planning Document
MRBR - Maintenance Review Board Report
MRW - Maximum Ramp Weight
MSA - Minimum Safe Altitude
MSB - Most Significant Bit
MSG - Message
MSL - Mean Sea Level
MSU - Mode Selector Unit (IRS)
MSW - Microswitch
MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure
MTBUR - Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals
MTG - Mounting
MTO - Maximum Take-Off
MTOGW - Maximum Takeoff Gross Weight
MTOW - Maximum Design Takeoff Weight
MU - Management Unit
MUX - Multiplex, Multiplexer
MVT - Movement
MZFW - Maximum Design Zero Fuel Weight
Fly High & Take Care
Após alguns dias de ausência (por motivos profissionais), volto a trazer-lhes mais algumas abreviaturas aeronauticas.
Para hoje os "L" e os "M".
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
L - Left
L - Length
L/G - Landing Gear
LA - Linear Accelerometer
LAT - Lateral
LAT - Latitude
LAV - Lavatory
LBP - Left Bottom Plug
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LCIT - Load Compressor Inlet Temperature
LDG - Landing
LE - Leading Edge
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LGCIU - Landing Gear Control and Interface Unit
LIM - Limit, Limitation, Limiting, Limiter
LKD - Locked
LL - Lat/Long
LLDC - Low Level Direct Current Voltage
LMP - Left Middle Plug
LNG - Long
LMS - Leakage Measurement System
LO - Low
LOC - Localizer
LONG - Longitude
LONGN - Longeron
LOP - Low Oil Pressure
LP - Low Pressure
LPC - Low Pressure Compressor
LPT - Low Pressure Turbine
LPTACC - Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control
LRU - Line Replaceable Unit
LS - Loudspeaker
LSB - Least Significant Bit
LSI - Large Scale Integration
LT - Light
LTP - Left Top Plug
LV - Low Voltage
LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transducer
LVL - Level
LW - Landing Weight
LWR - Lower
MAC - Mean Aerodynamic Chord
MAG - Magnetic
MAINT - Maintenance
MAN - Manual
MAX - Maximum
MCDU - Multipurpose Control & Display Unit
MCL - Maximum Climb
MCT - Maximum Continuous Thrust
MCU - Modular Concept Unit
MDA - Minimum Descent Altitude
MDDU - Multipurpose Disk Drive Unit
MECH - Mechanic, Mechanical, Mechanism
MED - Medium
MES - Main Engine Start
MI - Magnetic Indicator
MIC - Microphone
MICBAC - Micro-System Bus Access Channel
MID - Middle
MIN - Minimum
MISC - Miscellaneous
MKR - Marker (radio) Beacon
MLA - Maneuver Load Alleviation
MLG - Main Landing Gear
MLI - Magnetic Level Indicator
MLS - Microwave Landing System
MLW - Maximum Design Landing Weight
MMEL - Master Minimum Equipment List
MMO - Maximum Operating Mach
MMR - Multi Mode Receiver
MODLTR - Modulator
MON - Monitor, Monitoring, Monitored
MORA - Minimum Off Route Altitude
MOT - Motor, Motorized
MPD - Maintenance Planning Document
MRBR - Maintenance Review Board Report
MRW - Maximum Ramp Weight
MSA - Minimum Safe Altitude
MSB - Most Significant Bit
MSG - Message
MSL - Mean Sea Level
MSU - Mode Selector Unit (IRS)
MSW - Microswitch
MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure
MTBUR - Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals
MTG - Mounting
MTO - Maximum Take-Off
MTOGW - Maximum Takeoff Gross Weight
MTOW - Maximum Design Takeoff Weight
MU - Management Unit
MUX - Multiplex, Multiplexer
MVT - Movement
MZFW - Maximum Design Zero Fuel Weight
Fly High & Take Care
- Capitão
- Mensagens: 2376
- Registado: sábado dez 01, 2007 12:00 am
Re: GLOSSÁRIO/SIGLAS/DICIONÁRIO (ou o que lhe queiram chamar)
Quando o Sparky chegar ao Z, vamso fazer um teste para ver quem decorou mais. Quem não acertar 85%, é banido.
Obrigado Sparky. Vamos ficar aqui com uma base de siglas violenta!!

Obrigado Sparky. Vamos ficar aqui com uma base de siglas violenta!!
- 2º Oficial
- Mensagens: 39
- Registado: quarta jun 17, 2009 12:35 pm
Re: GLOSSÁRIO/SIGLAS/DICIONÁRIO (ou o que lhe queiram chamar)
Saudações Aeronauticas virtuais
Continuando a "desenrolar" a lista "violenta" de siglas estão a sair quentinhos o "N" e o "O"
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
N - Normal, North
N/A - Not Applicable
N/P - Next Page
N/W - Nose Wheel
N/WS - Nose Wheel Steering
NAC - Nacelle
NAS - Navy and Army Standard
NAV - Navigation
NAVAID - Navigation Aid
NBPT - No Break Power Transfer
NC - Normally Closed
NCD - No Computed Data
ND - Navigation Display
NEG - Negative
NLG - Nose Landing Gear
NMI - Non Maskable Interrupt
No - Number
NO - Normally Open
NO - Normal Operation in SSM
NORM - Normal
NS - No Smoking
NUM - Numerical
NVM - Non-Volatile Memory
N1 - Low Pressure Rotor Speed
N2 - High Pressure Rotor Speed
N3 - Medium Pressure Rotor Speed (EX: No caso do L1011)
O - Open
O/P - Output
OAT - Outside Air Temperature
OBRM - On Board Replaceable Module
OC - Open Circuit
OC - Overcurrent
OD - Outside Diameter
OF - Overfrequency
OFST - Offset
OGV - Outlet Guide Vane
OHU - Optical Head Unit
OIT - Oil Inlet Temperature
OK - Correct
OMS - Onboard Maintenance System
OOT - Oil Outlet Temperature
OP - Operational
OPP - Opposite
OPS - Operation
OPT - Optimum
OPV - Overpressure Valve
OUTBD - Outboard
OVBD - Overboard
OVHD - Overhead
OVHT - Overheat
OVLD - Overload
OVRD - Override
OVSP - Overspeed
OXY - Oxygen
Fly High & Take Care

Continuando a "desenrolar" a lista "violenta" de siglas estão a sair quentinhos o "N" e o "O"
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
N - Normal, North
N/A - Not Applicable
N/P - Next Page
N/W - Nose Wheel
N/WS - Nose Wheel Steering
NAC - Nacelle
NAS - Navy and Army Standard
NAV - Navigation
NAVAID - Navigation Aid
NBPT - No Break Power Transfer
NC - Normally Closed
NCD - No Computed Data
ND - Navigation Display
NEG - Negative
NLG - Nose Landing Gear
NMI - Non Maskable Interrupt
No - Number
NO - Normally Open
NO - Normal Operation in SSM
NORM - Normal
NS - No Smoking
NUM - Numerical
NVM - Non-Volatile Memory
N1 - Low Pressure Rotor Speed
N2 - High Pressure Rotor Speed
N3 - Medium Pressure Rotor Speed (EX: No caso do L1011)
O - Open
O/P - Output
OAT - Outside Air Temperature
OBRM - On Board Replaceable Module
OC - Open Circuit
OC - Overcurrent
OD - Outside Diameter
OF - Overfrequency
OFST - Offset
OGV - Outlet Guide Vane
OHU - Optical Head Unit
OIT - Oil Inlet Temperature
OK - Correct
OMS - Onboard Maintenance System
OOT - Oil Outlet Temperature
OP - Operational
OPP - Opposite
OPS - Operation
OPT - Optimum
OPV - Overpressure Valve
OUTBD - Outboard
OVBD - Overboard
OVHD - Overhead
OVHT - Overheat
OVLD - Overload
OVRD - Override
OVSP - Overspeed
OXY - Oxygen
Fly High & Take Care
- 2º Oficial
- Mensagens: 39
- Registado: quarta jun 17, 2009 12:35 pm
Re: GLOSSÁRIO/SIGLAS/DICIONÁRIO (ou o que lhe queiram chamar)
Olá, olá
Continuando a "desbobinar" siglas ou abreviaturas seguem o "P" e o "Q"
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
P/B - Pushbutton
P/BSW - Pushbutton Switch
PA - Passenger Address
PATS - Passenger Air-to-Ground Telephone System
PAX - Passenger
PC - Pack Controller
PCB - Printed Circuit Board
PCM - Pulse Code Modulation
PCU - Passenger Control Unit
PCU - Power Control Unit
PD - Pitch Diameter
PED - Pedestal
PERF - Performance
PES - Passenger Entertainment (System)
PF - Power Factor
PFD - Primary Flight Display
PH - Phase
PHC - Probe Heat Computer
PIU - Passenger Information Unit
PMA - Permanent Magnet Alternator
PMG - Permanent Magnet Generator
PN - Part Number
PNL - Panel
POB - Pressure-Off Brake
POR - Point of Regulation
POS - Position
POT - Potentiometer
PPH - Pounds per hour
PPM - Parts per million
PPOS - Present Position
PR - Power Ready Relay
PRAM - Prerecorded Announcement and Music
PREAMP - Preamplifier
PRED - Prediction
PRESEL - Preselector/Preselection
PRESS - Pressure, Pressurization, Pressurize
PREV - Previous
PRIM - Primary
PROC T - Procedure Turn
PROF - Profile
PROG - Progress
PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory
PROT - Protection
PROX - Proximity
PRR - Power Ready Relay
PSCU - Proximity Switch Control Unit
PSDU - Power Supply Decoupling Unit
PSI - Pound per Square Inch
PSIA - Pound per Square Inch Absolute
PSIG - Pound per Square Inch Gauge
PSS - Passenger Services System
PSU - Passenger Service Unit
PT - Point
PTC - Positive Temperature Coefficient
PTT - Push to Test
PTT - Push-to-Talk
PU - Panel Unit
PVI - Paravisual Indicating
PVIS - Passenger Visual Information System
PWR - Power
P&W - Pratt & Whitney
Q - Pitch Rate
QAD - Quick-Attach-Detach
QAR - Quick Access Recorder
QAT - Quadruple ARINC Transmitter
QEC - Quick Engine Change
QFE - Field Elevation Atmospheric Pressure
QFU - Runway Heading
QNE - Sea Level Standard Atmosphere Pressure
QNH - Sea Level Atmospheric Pressure
QTY - Quantity
Fly High & Take Care

Continuando a "desbobinar" siglas ou abreviaturas seguem o "P" e o "Q"
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
P/B - Pushbutton
P/BSW - Pushbutton Switch
PA - Passenger Address
PATS - Passenger Air-to-Ground Telephone System
PAX - Passenger
PC - Pack Controller
PCB - Printed Circuit Board
PCM - Pulse Code Modulation
PCU - Passenger Control Unit
PCU - Power Control Unit
PD - Pitch Diameter
PED - Pedestal
PERF - Performance
PES - Passenger Entertainment (System)
PF - Power Factor
PFD - Primary Flight Display
PH - Phase
PHC - Probe Heat Computer
PIU - Passenger Information Unit
PMA - Permanent Magnet Alternator
PMG - Permanent Magnet Generator
PN - Part Number
PNL - Panel
POB - Pressure-Off Brake
POR - Point of Regulation
POS - Position
POT - Potentiometer
PPH - Pounds per hour
PPM - Parts per million
PPOS - Present Position
PR - Power Ready Relay
PRAM - Prerecorded Announcement and Music
PREAMP - Preamplifier
PRED - Prediction
PRESEL - Preselector/Preselection
PRESS - Pressure, Pressurization, Pressurize
PREV - Previous
PRIM - Primary
PROC T - Procedure Turn
PROF - Profile
PROG - Progress
PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory
PROT - Protection
PROX - Proximity
PRR - Power Ready Relay
PSCU - Proximity Switch Control Unit
PSDU - Power Supply Decoupling Unit
PSI - Pound per Square Inch
PSIA - Pound per Square Inch Absolute
PSIG - Pound per Square Inch Gauge
PSS - Passenger Services System
PSU - Passenger Service Unit
PT - Point
PTC - Positive Temperature Coefficient
PTT - Push to Test
PTT - Push-to-Talk
PU - Panel Unit
PVI - Paravisual Indicating
PVIS - Passenger Visual Information System
PWR - Power
P&W - Pratt & Whitney
Q - Pitch Rate
QAD - Quick-Attach-Detach
QAR - Quick Access Recorder
QAT - Quadruple ARINC Transmitter
QEC - Quick Engine Change
QFE - Field Elevation Atmospheric Pressure
QFU - Runway Heading
QNE - Sea Level Standard Atmosphere Pressure
QNH - Sea Level Atmospheric Pressure
QTY - Quantity
Fly High & Take Care
- 2º Oficial
- Mensagens: 39
- Registado: quarta jun 17, 2009 12:35 pm
Re: GLOSSÁRIO/SIGLAS/DICIONÁRIO (ou o que lhe queiram chamar)
Boa tarde aviadores de secretária
Para não ser muito dificil decorarem estas siglas todas
, vamos continuando devagarinho.
Para hoje o "R" e o "S"
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
R - Red
R - Right
R/I - Radio/Inertial
RA - Radio Altimeter, Radio Altitude
RAC - Rotor Active Clearance
RACC - Rotor Active Clearance Control
RACSB - Rotor Active Clearance Start Bleed
RAD - Radio
RAM - Random Access Memory
RAT - Ram Air Turbine
RBP - Right Bottom Plug
RC - Repetitive Chime
RCC - Remote Charge Converter
RCCB - Remote Control Circuit Breaker
RCDR - Recorder
RCL - Recall
RCPT - Receptacle
RCPTN - Reception
RCVR - Receiver
RECIRC - Recirculate, Recirculation
RECT - Rectifier
RED - Reduction
REF - Reference
REFUEL - Refueling
REG - Regulator
REL - Release
RES - Resistance
RET - Return
REV - Reverse
REV - Revise, Revision
RF - Radio Frequency
RFS - Regardless of Feature Size
RLA - Reverser Lever Angle
RLS - Remote Light Sensor
RLY - Relay
RMP - Radio Management Panel
RNG - Range
ROM - Read Only Memory
RPLNT - Repellent
RPM - Revolution per Minute
RQRD - Required
RST - Reset
RSV - Reserve
RSVR - Reservoir
RTE - Route
RTN - Return
RTP - Right Top Plug
RTS - Return to Seat
RUD - Rudder
RVDT - Rotary Variable Differential Transducer
RVR - Runway Visual Range
S - South
S/C - Step Climb
S/D - Step Descent
SAF - Safety
SAT - Static Air Temperature
SB - Service Bulletin
SC - Single Chime
SD - System Display
SDAC - System Data Acquisition Concentrator
SDCU - Smoke Detection Control Unit
SDN - System Description Note
SEB - Seat Electronic Box
SEC - Secondary
SEL - Select, Selected, Selector, Selection
SELCAL - Selective Calling System
SFCC - Slat Flap Control Computer
SH ABS - Shock Absorber
SHED - Shedding
SHT - Short
SIC - System Isolation Contactor
SIG - Signal
SLT - Slat
SMK - Smoke
SN - Serial Number
SOL - Solenoid
SOV - Shut-Off Valve
SPD - Speed
SPLY - Supply
SPMC - Service Process Material Control
SPOP - Service Process Operation Procedure
SQ - Squelch
SRU - Shop Replaceable Unit
SSB - Single Side Band
SSEC - Static Source Error Correction
SSM - Sign Status Matrix
SSTU - Side Stick Transducer Unit
STA - Station
STAB - Stabilizer
STAT - Static
STBY - Standby
STD - Standard
STGR - Stringer
STS - Status
SVA - Stator Vane Actuator
SVCE - Service
SW - Switch
SWTG - Switching
SYNTHR - Synthetizer
SYS - System
Como já escrevi anteriormente, se necessitarem de algum complemento explicativo sobre alguma das siglas, não hesitem em perguntar
Fly High & Take Care

Para não ser muito dificil decorarem estas siglas todas

Para hoje o "R" e o "S"
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
R - Red
R - Right
R/I - Radio/Inertial
RA - Radio Altimeter, Radio Altitude
RAC - Rotor Active Clearance
RACC - Rotor Active Clearance Control
RACSB - Rotor Active Clearance Start Bleed
RAD - Radio
RAM - Random Access Memory
RAT - Ram Air Turbine
RBP - Right Bottom Plug
RC - Repetitive Chime
RCC - Remote Charge Converter
RCCB - Remote Control Circuit Breaker
RCDR - Recorder
RCL - Recall
RCPT - Receptacle
RCPTN - Reception
RCVR - Receiver
RECIRC - Recirculate, Recirculation
RECT - Rectifier
RED - Reduction
REF - Reference
REFUEL - Refueling
REG - Regulator
REL - Release
RES - Resistance
RET - Return
REV - Reverse
REV - Revise, Revision
RF - Radio Frequency
RFS - Regardless of Feature Size
RLA - Reverser Lever Angle
RLS - Remote Light Sensor
RLY - Relay
RMP - Radio Management Panel
RNG - Range
ROM - Read Only Memory
RPLNT - Repellent
RPM - Revolution per Minute
RQRD - Required
RST - Reset
RSV - Reserve
RSVR - Reservoir
RTE - Route
RTN - Return
RTP - Right Top Plug
RTS - Return to Seat
RUD - Rudder
RVDT - Rotary Variable Differential Transducer
RVR - Runway Visual Range
S - South
S/C - Step Climb
S/D - Step Descent
SAF - Safety
SAT - Static Air Temperature
SB - Service Bulletin
SC - Single Chime
SD - System Display
SDAC - System Data Acquisition Concentrator
SDCU - Smoke Detection Control Unit
SDN - System Description Note
SEB - Seat Electronic Box
SEC - Secondary
SEL - Select, Selected, Selector, Selection
SELCAL - Selective Calling System
SFCC - Slat Flap Control Computer
SH ABS - Shock Absorber
SHED - Shedding
SHT - Short
SIC - System Isolation Contactor
SIG - Signal
SLT - Slat
SMK - Smoke
SN - Serial Number
SOL - Solenoid
SOV - Shut-Off Valve
SPD - Speed
SPLY - Supply
SPMC - Service Process Material Control
SPOP - Service Process Operation Procedure
SQ - Squelch
SRU - Shop Replaceable Unit
SSB - Single Side Band
SSEC - Static Source Error Correction
SSM - Sign Status Matrix
SSTU - Side Stick Transducer Unit
STA - Station
STAB - Stabilizer
STAT - Static
STBY - Standby
STD - Standard
STGR - Stringer
STS - Status
SVA - Stator Vane Actuator
SVCE - Service
SW - Switch
SWTG - Switching
SYNTHR - Synthetizer
SYS - System

Fly High & Take Care
- Capitão
- Mensagens: 473
- Registado: quinta ago 28, 2008 12:00 am
Re: GLOSSÁRIO/SIGLAS/DICIONÁRIO (ou o que lhe queiram chamar)
RTB - Return to Base
A-A - Air-Air
A-G - Air-Gorund
A-A - Air-Air
A-G - Air-Gorund
- 2º Oficial
- Mensagens: 39
- Registado: quarta jun 17, 2009 12:35 pm
Re: GLOSSÁRIO/SIGLAS/DICIONÁRIO (ou o que lhe queiram chamar)
Olá a todos
Chegámos ao fim
, "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y" e "Z" (são poucas)
Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
T - True, Turn
T/C - Top of Climb
T/D - Top of Descent
T/R - Thrust Reverser
T-P - Turn Point
TACT - Tactical
TAS - True Airspeed
TAT - Total Air Temperature
TBC - To Be Confirmed
TBD - To be Determined
TCA - Turbine Cooling Air
TCAS - Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
T2CAS - Traffic and Terrain Collision Avoidance System
TCC - Turbine Case Cooling
TDS - Technical Data Sheet
TE - Trailing Edge
TEC - Turbine Exhaust Case
TEMP - Temperature
TFU - Technical Follow-Up
TGT - Target
THR - Thrust
THRM - Thermal
THS - Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer
TIT - Turbine Inlet Temperature
TK - Tank
TKE - Track Angle Error
TLA - Throttle Lever Angle
TLU - Travel Limitation Unit
TMR - Timer
TO - Takeoff
TOGW - Takeoff Gross Weight
TOT - Total
TPIC - Tire Pressure Indicating Computer
TPIS - Tire Pressure Indicating System
TR - Transformer Rectifier
TRA - Throttle Resolver Angle
TRANS - Transition
TRDV - Thrust Reverser Directional Valve
TRF - Turbine Rear Frame
TRIG - Trigger
TRK - Track (angle)
TROPO - Tropopause
TRPV - Thrust Reverser Pressurizing Valve
TRV - Travel
TSFC - Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption
TSM - Trouble Shooting Manual
TTG - Time to Go
TTL - Transistor Transistor Logic
TTS - Trim Tank System
TURB - Turbulent, Turbulence
TVBC - Turbine Vane And Blade Cooling
UF - Underfrequency
UHF - Ultra High Frequency
UNLK - Unlock
UNLKD - Unlocked, Unlocking
UNSD - Unused
UPR - Upper
UTC - Universal Time Coordinated
UV - Under Voltage
V/S - Vertical Speed
Vc - Calibrated Airspeed
VAC - Voltage Alternating Current
VAR - Variable, Variation
VBV - Variable Bleed Valve
VC - Ventilation Controller
VCO - Voltage Controlled Oscillator
VCU - Video Control Unit
VDC - Voltage Direct Current
VDEV - Vertical Deviation
VDR - VHF Data Radio
VEL - Velocity
VENT - Ventilation
VERT - Vertical
VFE - Maximum Flat Extended Speed
VFTO - Final Takeoff Speed
VHF - Very High Frequency
VHV - Very High Voltage
VIB - Vibration
VLE - Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed
VLO - Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed
VLS - Lower Selectable Speed
VM - Voltmeter
VMAX - Maximum Allowable Airspeed
VMO - Maximum Operating Speed
VR - Rotation Speed
VRMS - Volt Root Mean Square
VRS - V2500 Repair Scheme
VSC - Vacuum System Controller
VSCF - Variable Speed Constant Frequency
VSV - Variable Stator Vane
VSWR - Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
V1 - Critical Engine Failure Speed
V2 - Takeoff Safety Speed
V3 - Flap Retraction Speed
V4 - Slat Retraction Speed
W - Weight
W - White
WARN - Warning
WBC - Weight & Balance Computer
WBS - Weight and Balance System
WD - Warning Display
WHC - Window Heat Computer
WHL - Wheel
WIPCU - Water Ice Protection Control Unit
WIPDU - Water Ice Protection Data Unit
WTB - Wing Tip Brake
WXR - Weather Radar
X FEED - Crossfeed
X-TALK - Cross-Talk
XCVR - Transceiver
XDCR - Transducer
XFMR - Transformer
XFR - Transfer
XMSN - Transmission
XMTR - Transmitter
XPDR - Transponder
Y - Yellow
Z - Zone
ZFCG - Zero Fuel Center of Gravity
ZFW - Zero Fuel Weight
3D - Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)
4D - Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)
Apenas mais duas siglas que não aparecem listadas, mas são frequentemente utlizadas na aviação comercial:
ATB - Air Turn Back (Se o avião já estiver em vôo e tiver uma avaria que o obrigue a regressar ao aeroporto de origem)
RR - Ramp Return (Se o avião já tiver saído do estacionamento e tiver iniciado o taxi. Até antes do inicio da corrida de descolagem. Se já tiver iniciado a corrida de descolagem e antes de atingir a V1 é um "ABORTED TAKE-OFF" e RR, se tiver passado da V1, aplica-se o ATB)
Fly High & Take Care
espero que o Freeman não se lembre de desatar a perguntar siglas 
Chegámos ao fim

Glossary of Abbreviations
The abbreviations are defined in the Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook (AAAH).
T - True, Turn
T/C - Top of Climb
T/D - Top of Descent
T/R - Thrust Reverser
T-P - Turn Point
TACT - Tactical
TAS - True Airspeed
TAT - Total Air Temperature
TBC - To Be Confirmed
TBD - To be Determined
TCA - Turbine Cooling Air
TCAS - Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
T2CAS - Traffic and Terrain Collision Avoidance System
TCC - Turbine Case Cooling
TDS - Technical Data Sheet
TE - Trailing Edge
TEC - Turbine Exhaust Case
TEMP - Temperature
TFU - Technical Follow-Up
TGT - Target
THR - Thrust
THRM - Thermal
THS - Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer
TIT - Turbine Inlet Temperature
TK - Tank
TKE - Track Angle Error
TLA - Throttle Lever Angle
TLU - Travel Limitation Unit
TMR - Timer
TO - Takeoff
TOGW - Takeoff Gross Weight
TOT - Total
TPIC - Tire Pressure Indicating Computer
TPIS - Tire Pressure Indicating System
TR - Transformer Rectifier
TRA - Throttle Resolver Angle
TRANS - Transition
TRDV - Thrust Reverser Directional Valve
TRF - Turbine Rear Frame
TRIG - Trigger
TRK - Track (angle)
TROPO - Tropopause
TRPV - Thrust Reverser Pressurizing Valve
TRV - Travel
TSFC - Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption
TSM - Trouble Shooting Manual
TTG - Time to Go
TTL - Transistor Transistor Logic
TTS - Trim Tank System
TURB - Turbulent, Turbulence
TVBC - Turbine Vane And Blade Cooling
UF - Underfrequency
UHF - Ultra High Frequency
UNLK - Unlock
UNLKD - Unlocked, Unlocking
UNSD - Unused
UPR - Upper
UTC - Universal Time Coordinated
UV - Under Voltage
V/S - Vertical Speed
Vc - Calibrated Airspeed
VAC - Voltage Alternating Current
VAR - Variable, Variation
VBV - Variable Bleed Valve
VC - Ventilation Controller
VCO - Voltage Controlled Oscillator
VCU - Video Control Unit
VDC - Voltage Direct Current
VDEV - Vertical Deviation
VDR - VHF Data Radio
VEL - Velocity
VENT - Ventilation
VERT - Vertical
VFE - Maximum Flat Extended Speed
VFTO - Final Takeoff Speed
VHF - Very High Frequency
VHV - Very High Voltage
VIB - Vibration
VLE - Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed
VLO - Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed
VLS - Lower Selectable Speed
VM - Voltmeter
VMAX - Maximum Allowable Airspeed
VMO - Maximum Operating Speed
VR - Rotation Speed
VRMS - Volt Root Mean Square
VRS - V2500 Repair Scheme
VSC - Vacuum System Controller
VSCF - Variable Speed Constant Frequency
VSV - Variable Stator Vane
VSWR - Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
V1 - Critical Engine Failure Speed
V2 - Takeoff Safety Speed
V3 - Flap Retraction Speed
V4 - Slat Retraction Speed
W - Weight
W - White
WARN - Warning
WBC - Weight & Balance Computer
WBS - Weight and Balance System
WD - Warning Display
WHC - Window Heat Computer
WHL - Wheel
WIPCU - Water Ice Protection Control Unit
WIPDU - Water Ice Protection Data Unit
WTB - Wing Tip Brake
WXR - Weather Radar
X FEED - Crossfeed
X-TALK - Cross-Talk
XCVR - Transceiver
XDCR - Transducer
XFMR - Transformer
XFR - Transfer
XMSN - Transmission
XMTR - Transmitter
XPDR - Transponder
Y - Yellow
Z - Zone
ZFCG - Zero Fuel Center of Gravity
ZFW - Zero Fuel Weight
3D - Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)
4D - Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)

ATB - Air Turn Back (Se o avião já estiver em vôo e tiver uma avaria que o obrigue a regressar ao aeroporto de origem)
RR - Ramp Return (Se o avião já tiver saído do estacionamento e tiver iniciado o taxi. Até antes do inicio da corrida de descolagem. Se já tiver iniciado a corrida de descolagem e antes de atingir a V1 é um "ABORTED TAKE-OFF" e RR, se tiver passado da V1, aplica-se o ATB)
Fly High & Take Care

- Capitão
- Mensagens: 2376
- Registado: sábado dez 01, 2007 12:00 am
Re: GLOSSÁRIO/SIGLAS/DICIONÁRIO (ou o que lhe queiram chamar)
Assim que poder já meto isto tudo num só tópico todo bonitinho e Fixo.
Quanto ás duvidas, deixa lá ler com atenção.eheheh
Abraço e mais uma vez Bom Trabalho!!
Pedro "Freeman"
Assim que poder já meto isto tudo num só tópico todo bonitinho e Fixo.
Quanto ás duvidas, deixa lá ler com atenção.eheheh
Abraço e mais uma vez Bom Trabalho!!
Pedro "Freeman"
- Capitão
- Mensagens: 2376
- Registado: sábado dez 01, 2007 12:00 am
Re: GLOSSÁRIO/SIGLAS/DICIONÁRIO (ou o que lhe queiram chamar)
Cá fica a Tabela completa e ordenada.
Para já fica aqui, pois estou com dificuldade em passa-la para a secção de downloads.
Mais uma vez, muto obrigado a todos e em especial ao Sparky pelo trabalho.
Pedro "Freeman"
Para já fica aqui, pois estou com dificuldade em passa-la para a secção de downloads.
Mais uma vez, muto obrigado a todos e em especial ao Sparky pelo trabalho.
Pedro "Freeman"
Não tem Permissão para ver os ficheiros anexados nesta mensagem.