[Desactualizado] Settings - Nvidia Sem o Nhancer

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Mensagens: 2413
Registado: sábado jun 30, 2007 12:00 am

[Desactualizado] Settings - Nvidia Sem o Nhancer

Mensagem por piuozorio »

Como alguns já sabem o Nhancer não é compatível com as últimas drivers da nvidia, a versão 3.0 será compatível.

Deixo aqui um tutorial rápido de como activar o AA para o FS9 e FSX com as últimas drivers nvidia, este processo faz efectivamente a mesma coisa que nHancer fazia com as drivers antigas.
Tutorial original por Tabs Avsim.net

Testem por vossa conta e risco, comigo funcionou e melhorou graficamente.

- Faça download da última drive da nvidia.
- Faça download do Guru3D's Driver Sweeper http://www.guru3d.com/category/driversweeper
Desinstalar drives nvidia "adicionar e remover programas", sem reininciar correr o Drive Sweeper e remover o que ficou da nvidia e reininciar.
Instale a nova drive nvidia.

- Download Nvidia Inspector: http://download.orbmu2k.de/download.php?id=51

1- Abra o painel de controle Nvidia padrão que vem com o driver. Selecione "Gerenciar configurações 3D" do lado esquerdo, selecione a página Configurações do Programa. Estes são os seus perfis específicos de jogo. FS9 e FSX devem aparecer na lista.

2- Defina as seguintes opções em ambos os perfis:
Anisotropic Filtering: 16X
Power Management: Prefer Maximum Performance
Texture Filtering - Negative LOD Bias: Clamp
Texture Filtering - Quality: High Quality (this disables several of the other texture filtering options, setting them to Off even though they may still show On while grayed out)

3- Agora execute Nvidia Inspector. Clique no botão que se parece com duas "rodas" na linha, ao lado direito do "Driver Version". Isso abre o editor de perfil.

a. Antialiasing - Behavior Flags: AA_BEHAVIOR_FLAGS_NONE
b. Antialiasing - Mode Selector: AA_MODE_SELECTOR_OVERRIDE
c. Antialiasing - Setting: AA_MODE_METHOD_MIXEDSAMPLE_8X (This is the 8xS mode we're all familiar with, if you want 8xSQ, that's the next one down in the list, AA_MODE_METHOD_MIXEDSAMPLE_8X_SKEWED_8TAP. The normal multisample AA settings are the ones that start with AA_MODE METHOD_MULTISAMPLE, these do not have a supersampling componet and will not eliminate shimmering the way the MIXEDSAMPLE (aka "Combined" in nHancer lingo) ones do. Be advise that many of these AA modes listed here don't actually work or will cause strange issues. If you can run it, just stick to the 8xS one.)
d. Clicar Apply Profile

FSX: (make sure the AA box is checked inside FSX)
a. Antialiasing - Behavior Flags: AA_BEHAVIOR_FLAGS_NONE
b. Antialiasing - Mode Selector: AA_MODE_SELECTOR_ENHANCE
c. Antialiasing - Setting: AA_MODE_METHOD_MIXEDSAMPLE_8X (This is the 8xS mode we're all familiar with, if you want 8xSQ, that's the next one down in the list, AA_MODE_METHOD_MIXEDSAMPLE_8X_SKEWED_8TAP. The normal multisample AA settings are the ones that start with AA_MODE METHOD_MULTISAMPLE, these do not have a supersampling componet and will not eliminate shimmering the way the MIXEDSAMPLE (aka "Combined" in nHancer lingo) ones do. Be advise that many of these AA modes listed here don't actually work or will cause strange issues. If you can run it, just stick to the 8xS one.)
d. Clicar Apply Profile

A diferença está na etapa B - FSX vai trabalhar com o modo ENHANCE com o visto na caixa AA, FS9 não.

Se usam SB4 addons ou outros que se sentam em cima do FSX, precisam de substituir AA:
a. Antialiasing - Behavior Flags: AA_BEHAVIOR_FLAGS_NONE
b. Antialiasing - Mode Selector: AA_MODE_SELECTOR_OVERRIDE
c. Antialiasing - Setting: AA_MODE_METHOD_MIXEDSAMPLE_8X (This is the 8xS mode we're all familiar with, if you want 8xSQ, that's the next one down in the list, AA_MODE_METHOD_MIXEDSAMPLE_8X_SKEWED_8TAP. The normal multisample AA settings are the ones that start with AA_MODE METHOD_MULTISAMPLE, these do not have a supersampling componet and will not eliminate shimmering the way the MIXEDSAMPLE (aka "Combined" in nHancer lingo) ones do. Be advise that many of these AA modes listed here don't actually work or will cause strange issues. If you can run it, just stick to the 8xS one.)
d. Clicar Apply Profile

4- Transparancy AA funciona em ambas as versões FS usando esses drivers e Nvidia Inspector
Para activá-lo:
Na Nvidia Inspector - Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling: AA_MODE_REPLAY_SUPERSAMPLE_8X (if you see a performance hit from that, try AA_MODE_REPLAY_SUPERSAMPLE_4X)
Mensagens: 964
Registado: quarta set 24, 2008 12:00 am

Re: Settings - Nvidia sem o Nhancer

Mensagem por ELCarma »

Já usei a uns tempos essa tool... é menos user friendly que o nhancer devido aos termos tecnicos mas funciona a 100%.